Our services:

Bespoke Services or Projects:

  • Preparation for external inspection or accreditation visits (Irtiqa’a, COIS / WASC, COBIS)

  • Planning, licensing and start up of new schools (or for additional branches)

  • School development planning – SMART targets, aligned to inspection recommendations 

  • Accurate and robust school self evaluation

  • Developing a 5 to 10 year strategic plan (for growth and/or consolidation)

  • Governor training sessions (for existing school boards)

  • Audits of specific areas of practice –

    • inspection readiness

    • leadership effectiveness / impact (overall or specific teams – departments)

    • staff turnover analysis – retention strategies – benefits package audit

    • wellbeing / inclusion

    • health and safety – campus audit

Teacher and Leadership Development (competitively prived for various sized groups) – topics include:

  • Habits and routines for lessons with excellent learning

  • Developing 21st Century Skills in Learners (student competence framework)

  • Consistency in lesson observation – quality assurance and monitoring the impact of PD

  • Elements of effective lessons – raising your baseline school wide

  • Leading a subject, department or teaching team

(1 or 2 year) Comprehensive Educational Development Contracts

Customized consultancy which embraces your individual school context, builds upon areas of strength and helps you to identify and overcome challenges to improving provision.